During the filming of the first series of Josh’ House there was far too much good material to throw on the cutting room floor. So here are some extended interviews from some of our best friends, plus a nifty fly through.
Video Overviews
1 Josh’s House – Interview w/ Griff Morris
Solar Passive housing design expert Griff Morris expands on what it takes to reach 10 star energy efficiency in Australia and discusses the Josh’s House concept.
2 Josh’s House – Interview w/ Dr Brad Pettitt, City of Fremantle Mayor
Fremantle Mayor Brad Pettitt talks about sustainable design and housing, and also discusses why the City of Fremantle is supporting the Josh’s House project.
3 Josh’s House – Interview w/ Ed Hauck, Department of Water, WA
In this extended interview, Ed Hauck from the West Australian Department of Water focuses on grey water re-use systems for homes and what the State Government’s focus is in terms of water usage and water saving strategies.
4 Josh’s House – Interview w/ Peter Tinley, WA Labor
In episode 4 of Josh’s House local Labor member for Willagee, WA, Peter Tinley, dropped by the block after an invitation. This is an extended video of what he had to say after seeing the site.
5 Josh’s House – Interview w/ Lynn MacLaren, WA Greens
In episode 5 of Josh’s House WA Green’s Lynn MacLaren, the member for the south metropolitan region and spokesperson for housing, dropped by the block after an invitation.
6 Josh’s House – CGI Animation
Thanks to Constructive Media and Highbury Homes, check out this brilliant computer animated fly through of the Josh’s House project. It gives you a real sense of what the homes look and feel like when completed.
7 Josh’s House – Michael Mobbs & Eco Pop
Josh takes a look at sustainability consultant and author Michael Mobbs’s new project called eco-pop which was recently installed in Fremantle’s Kings Square. Michael and City of Fremantle Mayor Brad Pettitt then visit Josh’s housing project for an exclusive tour.
8 Josh’s House – Costa Georgidis
The host of ABC 1’s Gardening Australia visited Josh’s House during construction to find out more about the ideas for the garden and landscaping. Costa takes a look around and gives us his thoughts on the project.
9 Josh’s House – Universal Access
Josh’s House co-designer Griff Morris talks about the universal access features throughout the homes.
10 Josh’s House – Nature Play Chat with Griffin Longley
CEO of Nature Play WA Griffin Longley drops by Josh’s House to check out the nature play spaces in this award winning landscape and to have a chat about the importance of outdoor unstructured play.
11 Josh’s House – Aubin Grove
Aubin Grove Primary School is in the southern Perth suburbs and as a school it has a big focus on sustainability. Recently the school contacted Josh’s House as they wanted to share their exciting project. The Year 6 students had just completed a 6 week sustainable house project based on all they learned through the Josh’s House website and video series. Josh couldn’t wait to take a closer look and you can too by watching this video extra.
12 Josh’s House – Pilot Episode
The Josh’s House Pilot Episode is where it all began. December 2012, Josh and is family where still in their old home, and the lot in Hilton had only just been cleared.