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Did you miss out on last night’s ABC TV Catalyst episode on Battery Powered Homes? Dr. Jonica Newby investigated the power revolution that is home batteries and she included a visit to Josh’s House.

As part of the ongoing research activities at Josh’s House through Curtin University and the CRC for Low Carbon Living, a new 8kWh LiFePO4 battery unit was installed at the house with the aim of testing just how effective solar energy storage can be in reducing grid dependence. For more information on the Josh’s House residential solar energy storage trial check out this Fact Sheet or the news post we published when the batteries were installed.

If you would like see how Josh’s House is performing right now, you can view the latest house stats and data on electricity, gas, and water usage, as well as greenhouse gas emissions on the Real Time Performance page.

To watch the Catalyst episode and find the transcript featuring Josh’s House go to