Addressing climate change through reducing carbon emissions is arguably the highest environmental, economic and social priority of our time, but do we know the facts and do we the have solutions?
Over the past seven years the Cooperative Research Centre for Low Carbon Living (CRCLCL), has worked closely with Curtin University and four other Australian universities to develop next-generation, low carbon materials, technologies and tools to support the transition towards sustainable cities and communities. This research includes Josh’s House, one of the CRCLCL’s 17 living laboratories.
“We are on track to meet our founding target of a cumulative reduction in carbon emissions of 10 megatonnes by 2020 – a milestone we’ve achieved through the combined impact of all of our research projects,” said CRCLCL CEO, Professor Deo Prasad.
To celebrate seven years of continuous research with its university and industry partners, the CRCLCL has been staging a series of free nationwide events including Curtin University’s free public expo in Fremantle:
Wednesday, 5th June
11am – 5.30pm
City of Fremantle Town Hall, Fremantle
Bookings are essential via Eventbrite
The Perth Expo will be hosted by Dr Josh Byrne, CRCLCL Project Leader, and will feature the ‘energy and carbon positive’ Josh’s House Living Laboratory.
The Expo includes a site tour of LandCorp’s WGV and East Village low carbon developments, all part of the CRCLCL’s Living Laboratories Program. Other low-carbon living experts will be sharing their research and be on hand to answer questions.
With more than 140 research projects and 90 PhD students nationwide, the CRCLCL has produced an evidence base to help government and industry meet their carbon reduction and energy efficiency targets.
Professor Prasad said the CRCLCL is focused on mainstreaming its substantial body of research as it approaches the end of its government funding.
“It’s time to take our research to a broader audience – we want Australians to see how it has progressed low carbon living across all aspects of urban life.
“Our research has contributed to changing the way we build our cities and manage them in the face of climate change, increased heatwaves and human demand on energy, waste and water,” concluded Professor Prasad.
Expo exhibits and topics to be discussed include:
- Low carbon homes, schools and tourism
- Renovate and retrofit guides
- Urban cooling
- Local government and urban development achievements
- Renewable energy and performance monitoring
Professor Peter Newman, John Curtin Distinguished Professor of Sustainability and WA Scientist of the year will close the day with a presentation on ‘the journey ahead’ for low carbon living.