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140801 JH Council Day & Switch Board (MG)-38 (WE)On Friday the 1st August the Water Corporation hosted an exclusive Information Day for their various Waterwise Programs at Josh’s House to showcase the project’s integrated water systems and how they support the waterwise message.

The Water Corporation invited groups from their various Waterwise Programs which include:

  • Waterwise Garden Centres
  • Waterwise Lawnmowing Contractors
  • Waterwise Garden Designers
  • Waterwise Landscapers
  • Waterwise Irrigators
  • Waterwise Irrigation Design Shops
  • Waterwise Plumbers
  • Waterwise Councils
  • Waterwise Water Auditors

Josh conducted five separate presentations and tours, focusing on specific aspects of Josh’s House best practice water sensitive design and its relevance to each of the Water Corporation’s Waterwise Specialist industry groups. It also provided an opportunity for Josh to present the latest water use data being generated at the house through research being undertaken through Curtin University  and the CRC for Low Carbon Living. After being in the house for just over 12 months, Josh and his family have demonstrated a 90% reduction in scheme water use, compared to the typical Perth average.

This was a wonderful opportunity to share the best practice techniques and technologies at the house’, says Josh. ‘It’s the systems-based approach behind the various water saving measures in place here which have led to such impressive results, and we now have the data to prove it.’

For further information on the Water Corporation’s Waterwise Specialist Programs go to:

For more on the performance data, Click Here