Josh’s House – EPISODE 2 from Josh’s House on Vimeo. Construction is underway and in this episode Josh gets all excited about the dual plumbing and grey water systems that are being installed. We also speak to Ed Hauck from the Department of Water and catch up with Kellie, Lisa,…
Safe and compliant greywater reuse requires access to greywater drainage without contamination from toilet and kitchen wastewater. Unfortunately current industry standard plumbing methods makes this very difficult and costly to retrofit, if not impossible in most situations once a house has been built.
Josh’s House – Episode 2 trailer! from Josh’s House on Vimeo.
December has been a huge month on site with earthworks, footings, pre-lays, slabs and drainage all happening in less than four weeks! We also shot Episode 2 of the Josh’s House video series which captured all the action and focuses on the installation of the dual plumbing for future greywater…
It’s been a whirlwind week, with footings, plumbing prelays and slabs all done. I hope this pace keeps up! Next week the dual plumbing will be installed in preparation for the future greywater systems. Stay tuned!