Josh’s House – Episode 2 trailer! from Josh’s House on Vimeo.
December has been a huge month on site with earthworks, footings, pre-lays, slabs and drainage all happening in less than four weeks! We also shot Episode 2 of the Josh’s House video series which captured all the action and focuses on the installation of the dual plumbing for future greywater…
It’s been a whirlwind week, with footings, plumbing prelays and slabs all done. I hope this pace keeps up! Next week the dual plumbing will be installed in preparation for the future greywater systems. Stay tuned!

Josh’s House – Interview with City of Fremantle Mayor, Dr Brad Pettitt from Josh’s House on Vimeo. Dr Brad Pettitt was elected as the Mayor of the City of Fremantle in 2009. Brad has served on Fremantle Council since 2005 and has chaired the Urban Development Advisory Committee and the…

Earthworks are done and dusted in just two days under the watchful eye of builder Jim DeBaughn from Highbury Homes.